‎Suzanne Burdon

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Eternal Life


Urshanabi can you take me across the waters?

I would not lose the plant which restores youth.

I would cherish and clone it 

and grow it hydroponically

to protect it from the harshness of the atmosphere.


I would create a thousand cottage industries 

I would ensure the leaves were nurtured by Astarte,

And watered from the throat of Tiddalick

I would grind them and create liquid golden globules

which would satisfy even Sergeant Pepper.


I would make pilgrimage to the shrines of Freud

seeking to understand how it would change the world.

I would offer it to the eager and the desperate,

I would liberate them from gymnasium slavery,

I would be rich.


I am not greedy.

I would not clutter up heaven with indolent infinity.

I would not offer eternity that is conditional,

I would disguise the dichotomy 

of perpetuity rooted in the present dystopia.


God is already re-shaped in our own image

Now I would re-package life everlasting, 

to give it prime time credibility.

I would rescue it from the insubstantial and indefinable.

I would bring it down to earth.